april 19

Значение термина april 19 в knolik

april 19 - April 19
april 19 - Portuguese Govt. decree complete separation between Church and State. - Portuguese mail steamer, "Lusitania," wrecked off Cape Point; passengers and crew rescued by H.M.S. "Forte"; 3 lives lost. - Mexican insurgents capture Santiago Pupasguinvos and propose an armistice. - M. Chedanne, French Foreign Office architect, arrested. - Six persons sentenced at Howrah, India, to terms of imprisonment for conspiring against the King Emperor. - French Govt. instruct Gen. Moinier at Shawia, Morocco, to comply with Sultan of Morocco's request to send native troops to Gharb district. - By-election at Haddington results in return of Mr. J. D. Hope (Liberal), majority 468. - Colonial Secretary announces in British House of Commons that Colonial Premiers will be invited to attend meeting of Imperial Defence Committee. - Amundsen Polar expedition's ship "Fram" arrives at Buenos Aires. - City and Suburban Handicap at Epsom won by Mr. T. Baring's "Mushroom." - Vermilion county, 111., grand jury return nine corrected indictments against persons indicted on March 14. - Completed choir of Cathedral of St. John the Divine at New York consecrated by Bishop Greer.

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